Accepting Truck Bids
Liberty Township is receiving bids for a purchase of a class 6-7 or higher diesel dump truck and related equipment, such as, a plow and salt spreader.
The bids will be for a one-time purchase and storage of the equipment will be provided by the township.
Sealed bids, endorsed “Dump Truck Bid” will be received by the Liberty Township Board of Trustees at the Township Meeting Hall located at 6290 Sportsman Club Road NW Johnstown, Ohio 43031 until 6:30 pm on August 12, 2024 at which time bids will then be publicly opened
and read aloud. Bids will be considered valid until 60 days after the opening date although not accepted or rejected.
Bidding and specification documents may be examined at the Township Meeting Hall located at 6290 Sportsman Club Road NW, Johnstown, Ohio, or by sending a request to [email protected].
Each bid shall contain the full name and address of each person, company, firm or corporation interested in the same and any other information including warranties and specifications for the
truck, plow and salt spreader.
Liberty Township Board of Trustees reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any and all bids, waive any technical requirements, and to accept any bid which is deemed by the
Board of Trustees to be the lowest and best bid.
Please contact Doug Strait at 614-560-0608 with any questions.